The Salvation of Sinners.
We believe that the salvation of Sinners is wholly of grace, and that Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation.
The Freeness of Salvation.
We believe that the blessings of salvation are made free by the Gospel, that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner but his own inherent depravity and voluntary rejection of the Gospel.
The Security of the Believer.
We believe that those who receive Jesus Christ as Saviour are eternally secure. Our Security rests on the finished work of Jesus Christ; as a result, we have assurance.
The Doctrine of the Church.
We believe that the local church is a congregation of baptized believers, practicing New Testament principles, believing its doctrines, observing its ordinances and exercising its autonomy.
The Doctrine of Heaven and Hell.
We believe in the eternal blessedness of the saved in heaven and the eternal punishment of the lost in Hell.
We believe in the pretribulation rapture of the church. Followed by the seven year tribulation and the premillennial second coming of Christ.
Current Trends in Theology.
We take a separatist stand regarding the current trends that lead to discrediting the Bible and undermining the fundamentals of the faith. These trends include Calvinism, Neo-Orthodoxy, Neo-Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism, Neo-Pentecostalism, and the Ecumenical Movement.